

Positioning system designed to precisely achieve and fine-tune working positions.

Roper Fix includes an 11mm rope lanyard with a reinforced stitched loop at one end and a covered knot at the other end along with the Roper device attached to the rope between the ends.

  • The Roper positioning device is locked onto the lanyard with a recessed screw.
  • Roper Fix can be removed from the lanyard only by using a hex wrench, which provides protection against improper placement.
  • Because of the removeable screw, it is possible to replace the lanyard if needed due to wear and tear.
  • The Roper Fix comes with a 0.5m protection sleeve that moves easily and can be replaced or removed.
  • Each side of the protection sleeve has a different outer surface for better protection and durability depending on the type of work surface.


It can be purchased in three lengths: 200 cm, 350 cm, 500 cm

Code Lenght
CWR020 200 cm
CWR035 350 cm
CWR050 500 cm


Designed in EU.




200 cm
EN 358